The ABC’s of Manifesting a Life of Purpose and Productivity

By Rena Canady-Laster, Transformational Life Coach

Let me ask you, do you regularly assess your degree of productivity? I’m not speaking of the busyness, never ending appointments, filled calendars, and pursuit of success by the world’s definition. And, did you make New Year’s Resolutions and declarations in January? Did you know that research shows that only 46% of people keep their resolutions for at least six months; and only 8% keep them all year long. But think about this, 25% of the people who make resolutions give up on them by January 7. I am passionate about helping others become the best version of themselves with the intentional thoughts, tools, and actions required to see the intentional manifestation of purpose and productivity in this quest. The ABCs provided below will whet your appetite for future articles, radio shows, blogs, and resources that I will provide discussing specific tools and resources to manifest those things discussed in the following:

A: A digital footprint and platform that offers hope and positive messages is imperative if you are an influencer.  Always make sure that you create value when posting on social media. Social media is designed to bring people together, not tear apart, and create dissention.

B: Begin with a clean slate, when necessary, after intentionally accessing resolutions, goals, and declarations. A fresh, new beginning can start at any time, any second, and any day. Put the past behind you. Let go of regrets. Forgive yourself.  You can always write new chapters in your life story.

C: Communicate your needs and boundaries in all of your relationships. Avoid being vague and assuming that others are “mind readers” and know what you want or how you feel.  Build support networks and support systems and collaborate with others whenever possible. Even Long Ranger had a Tonto, and no man is an island. Prolonged isolation can lead to depression.

D: Declutter your mind, surroundings, devices, and relationships so that you can clearly hear from God. Write down important information and tasks and let go of trying to remember everything. Keep paper and pencil nearby, especially by the bed, for when ideas, dreams, instructions, and plans come to your mind. I even keep sticky notes in my car to stick on the dash to remind me of errands. Clutter makes you feel disorganized, distracted, and drains mental energy. Clutter is also one of Satan’s devices used to distract, tear down self-esteem, and consume our time.

E: Establish a morning routine and prepare the night before to avoid morning rushing and chaos. Eat breakfast. Research shows that it provides energy to start your day. And, some experts say that people who eat breakfast are less likely to overeat the rest of the day. Fuel your physical brain and body and allow God to fuel your spirit.

F: Food prep meals to encourage planning ahead and healthy eating healthier.

G: Get fresh air to help clear your lungs and sunshine for Vitamin D.

H: Heart…guard it always and protect your open orifices: nose, mouth, sexual organs from misuse. Control what you watch and hear on television and other media. Make sure that you spend the bulk of your time manifesting God’s purpose for your life rather than mindlessly binge-watching television and other avenues wherein others have manifested their purpose.

I: Integrate technology as a time saver, a means of staying connected, and a way to learn new things. 

J: Just say no. No is a complete sentence. Don’t overcommit yourself or let others make their priorities yours if they are not. Say no to those things that do no lead to the manifestation of God’s purpose and plan for your life.

K: Know that opportunities sometimes present themselves as obstacles. God’s ways are not our ways. He uses who and what He wills in our lives.

L: Laugh every day. Laughter is as medicine.

M: Make time for fun and activities that you enjoy. Spend time with people who are focused on the business of God’s kingdom, people who will mentor you and discourage things that God forbids. And yes; Christians can and do have fun!

N: Nontoxic cleaners, cosmetics, and products incorporated in your lifestyle help you achieve a healthy living environment.

O: Offenses should not be allowed to fester. Forgive soon and often. Love those who love you. Love those who don’t love you, showing them with your life why they should love you.

P: Plan individual time for your self- care, date nights with your spouse/ significant others and children to keep your relationships strong and to stay connected with their lives.

Q: Question your motives, perspectives, and assumptions often. Are you doing what you need to be doing when and why you need to do it? Is it for God’s glory? What’s your why?

R: Rest and get enough sleep daily.

S: Set S.M.A.R.T. goals that motivate you; set boundaries and priorities and seek balance in your life. Again, what’s your why?

T: Take time for self-care, exercise, and reflection daily. Get plenty of sunshine and fresh air.

U: Utilize resources that are available to you. Why re-create the wheel when you don’t have to?

V: Victim mentalities keep us stuck.  Think about being a victor, overcomer, thriver, and being resilient. 

W: Welcome each new day with anticipation and intentionally live your dash.

X: Xamine your life on a regular basis to check for integrity and character breeches, gaps, and flaws.  Remember that your thoughts become your words.

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Y: Your words become your actions. Your actions become your habits. Your habits become your character. Your character becomes your destiny. Who are you?

Z: Zealously practice COVID safety protocols and be mindful of your health at all times. Be prepared to ward off sickness and disease. Be proactive and intentional. Begin now to examine yourself for mindsets that are keeping you stuck and that do not allow you to grow and thrive. Follow me on: All Things Canady on Face Book, Life Building Site on Instagram; Rena Laster on You Tube and LinkedIn; and

All Things Canady Business Accelerator, Branding, and Coaching to stay informed and inspired about ways to manifest and manage God’s purpose for your life. You may reach me for coaching and speaking at

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